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Mission Script
A Basic element used for sorting and organising your logic. Behaviour Element behaviour o...
Getting Started with PAYDAY 2 Modding (Legacy)
(I have marked this page as legacy; this will be split into different pages. -VxWolf) Alright, s...
Finding PAYDAY 2's Install Folder
Can’t remember where you installed the game? This guide will help you. Open up Steam, and find...
Installing 'mod_override' mods
As the name implies, the ‘mod_override’ folder is used to override existing assets in the game’s ...
Optimisation: Occlusion and Portals
What is an Occluder? Occluders are simple planes that are used to hide props (specifically objec...
Ai Escorts (and Special Objectives)
A test map is provided in the Attachments. Escort Characters All Escort characters will stop mo...
Navigation in diesel
Navigation links or navlinks for short are ElementSpecialObjectives that have "Is Navigation Li...
Limitations and Issues with mapping in Diesel
Here is a list of potential issues you may have when working on custom maps. Out of Memory Crash...
Making and adding Environments
Environment is like a config which decides how light and shadows look in your level, this is what...
Applying Custom Instances
Note: Newer versions of Beardlib Editor includes dedicated custom instances, this workflow is la...
Cubemaps, Cubelights and Lighting your level
Cubemaps A cubemap is a six-sided texture used for reflective surfaces to reflect stuff. Here's...
Object Xml
Example XML: <dynamic_object> <diesel materials="units/path/material_config" orientat...
Material Config XML
Example XML: <materials version="3"> <material name="mat_name" render_template="ge...
Animated Models
(WIP PAGE ON ANIMATED MODELS USED IN PAYDAY 2) Page Notes: Animations missing X Y or Z rotati...
.animation Format
This page will be an approximate breakdown on the current known information on the .animation fil...
WeaponLib Mod Preparation
You boot up Payday 2, intend to enjoy a few of new weapon mod that have appeared on the front pag...
Re-Extracting the Game's Files After an Update
As you might be aware, PAYDAY 2 tends to update frequently with new content. It won’t magically a...
Mask Materials
This contains data for all the current mask materials in the game Materials Game Base Ma...
Mask Patterns
This contains data for all the current mask patterns in the game Patterns Game Base Patt...
Unit File
This is an explanation of how units work in Payday 2. This may not be 100% perfect, but it shoul...