Recently Updated Pages
BLE Overview
This is a basic rundown of the functions and capabilities of BeardLib Editor. Everything here is ...
Creating A New Project
In the BeardLib Editor menu, navigate to the “Projects” tab and click the “New…” button on the ri...
Building Navigation
The AI moves through the level on what’s called a Nav-Mesh. NPCs (Cops, AI Teammates, Civs) move ...
Security Cameras
To have working security cameras in your level, you first need to place the right camera props. T...
Guard / Civilian Patrols
You can make NPCs walk around the level in stealth mode using SpecialObjective and SpecialObjecti...
Captain Winters
You can include Captain Winters in your level in just a few steps: First you need to set up the s...
Harassers and Snipers (+ Hiding Cloakers) [wip]
So called “Harassers” are enemies that are spawned separately from the assault wave, that are use...
Assault Waves
Assault waves are largely handled by the game automatically. You only have to set up a few things...
Player Spawns And Team-AI Idling
For players and Team-AI to spawn, you need to set up PlayerSpawner Elements. By default a new pro...
Whisper State - Stealth and Loud
Whisper State determines whether or not your level is in Stealth or Loud mode. It can be toggled ...
Manipulating Navigation Mid-Game
The Navigation can be manipulated in several ways while playing. You can set up Navigation Links ...
Custom Subtitled Dialogue and Sound
If your heist or mod needs custom dialogue that includes subtitles follow the following steps. ...
Creating Custom Contractors
Creating Custom Contractors Introduction Hello! Ever wanted to make a custom contractor for you...
This guide will be a simple tutorial on how to make your first BLT mod with a suitable example to...
Beginner BLT modding
mod.txt Every mod needs this file. This file is responsible for loading your mod with BLT. Below ...
Custom Attachments
ATTENTION: THIS PAGE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS If you are a weapon mod author and would like to have...
Spawn Enemy Group
Contains a collection of Spawn Enemy Dummy elements. Can be used to spawn multiple enemies conven...
Spawn Enemy Dummy
A location where an enemy can be spawned on demand. Can be used in combination with Spawn Enemy G...
Common: Transform
Common parameters used by all elements to allow them to be positioned in the world. Field ...
Common: Main
Common parameters used by all elements to allow them to interact with each other in intelligent w...