Continents And Scripts
Continents can be compared to layers or groups of units. Every Unit has to be part of a continent, but can be assigned to a different continent at any point. Be aware that the Unit's ID may change when doing this, which could cause issues with Elements it may be linked to. Just double check that your Elements are still linked to the correct unit.
By default every level has a continent called “world” and “editor_only” and more can be created to group up and organize Units however you like. You could for example make a new continent dedicated to only collisions.
Be aware, having more than 9 continents can cause issues with unit IDs and element links.
Continents with the “Editor Only” setting on will only show the Units in it when in the editor. Loading the level through will not load them.
Create a new continent by pressing the “plus” icon on the header.
Toggle Visibility will hide and show every unit in the continent.
Add Mission Script will create a new script for elements.
Select All will select every unit from the continent.
In the Continent Settings you can rename it and toggle if it should only be loaded in the editor.

Delete All units will clear the continent of all units.
Remove Continent will delete the continent and all units in it, as well as every script and elements connected to it.
Scripts are similar to continents, but for Elements instead. Elements have to be part of a script and can be assigned to a different script at any point. Be aware that element IDs may change when doing this, which could cause issues with Elements or Units it may be linked to. Just double check that your Elements are still linked to the correct unit or Element.
They can only interact with other Elements that are in the same script, not with Elements from other scripts. The only exception is the ExecuteInOtherMission Element, which can execute every element no matter what script it belongs to.
By default, every map has a "Default" script, which belongs to the "World" continent, and you can create as many as you want, under any continent you like.
Scripts are part of continents, so you create new scripts by pressing the “plus” button on the continent you want to add the script to.
Select All will select all elements from the script.
Rename Script lets you give it a new name.
Delete All Elements will clear the script of all elements.
- Remove Script deletes the script and all elements from it.
Current Continent/Script
Current Continent and Current Script refer to the continent and script you’re currently editing. Spawning new units and elements will automatically place them in there.
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