Building Navigation
The AI moves through the level on what’s called a Nav-Mesh. NPCs (Cops, AI Teammates, Civs) move ...
Manipulating Navigation Mid-Game
The Navigation can be manipulated in several ways while playing. You can set up Navigation Links ...
Guard / Civilian Patrols
You can make NPCs walk around the level in stealth mode using SpecialObjective and SpecialObjecti...
Assault Waves
Assault waves are largely handled by the game automatically. You only have to set up a few things...
Harassers and Snipers (+ Hiding Cloakers) [wip]
So called “Harassers” are enemies that are spawned separately from the assault wave, that are use...
Captain Winters
You can include Captain Winters in your level in just a few steps: First you need to set up the s...