Beardlib Editor Tutorials
Guides and information on creating custom heists using BeardLib Editor.
Getting Started
The place to begin your mapping journey.
Installing BLE
BeardLib Editor, or BLE for short, is a mod for PAYDAY 2 that adds a fully functional level edito...
BLE Overview
This is a basic rundown of the functions and capabilities of BeardLib Editor. Everything here is ...
Creating A New Project
In the BeardLib Editor menu, navigate to the “Projects” tab and click the “New…” button on the ri...
The basics of building and scripting a level.
Moving After loading into your level, you can move the camera with W,A,S,D and go up and down wit...
Units - Building Your Level
You build your level using what’s called “Units”. Basically everything in this game is a unit. Fr...
Elements - Scripting Your Level
To make your level actually work, you place what’s called “Elements”. They are what most of the l...
Continents And Scripts
Continents Continents can be compared to layers or groups of units. Every Unit has to be part of ...
Sequence And Sequence Triggers
What are sequences Many Units have what’s called a Sequence Manager. Sequences are pre-defined in...
Asset Management - Database, Packages, and Local Files
Loading Assets Database BeardLib can load Assets for your level in different ways. Currently the ...
You enter playtest mode by pressing F10 on your keyboard. The loadout screen opens and elements s...
An Instance can be seen as a level inside your level. They are very useful if you need to build o...
Mass Units (Brushes)
Mass Units, or brushes, allow you to add more detail to your level with relatively little impact ...
Optimization - Improving Performance
There are lots of ways to Improve performance on your level. For a start you can try to not over-...
Focus on gameplay mechanics and logic
Player Spawns And Team-AI Idling
For players and Team-AI to spawn, you need to set up PlayerSpawner Elements. By default a new pro...
Whisper State - Stealth and Loud
Whisper State determines whether or not your level is in Stealth or Loud mode. It can be toggled ...
Security Cameras
To have working security cameras in your level, you first need to place the right camera props. T...
Environmental Damage - KillZone Element
Environmental damage like fire or teargas that damage players, or even enemies in some cases, are...
Building Navigation
The AI moves through the level on what’s called a Nav-Mesh. NPCs (Cops, AI Teammates, Civs) move ...
Manipulating Navigation Mid-Game
The Navigation can be manipulated in several ways while playing. You can set up Navigation Links ...
Guard / Civilian Patrols
You can make NPCs walk around the level in stealth mode using SpecialObjective and SpecialObjecti...
Assault Waves
Assault waves are largely handled by the game automatically. You only have to set up a few things...
Harassers and Snipers (+ Hiding Cloakers) [wip]
So called “Harassers” are enemies that are spawned separately from the assault wave, that are use...
Captain Winters
You can include Captain Winters in your level in just a few steps: First you need to set up the s...
Documentation for the editors found in the general tab of the Tools menu.
Custom Content
(Old pages, still useful for reference)
Ai Escorts (and Special Objectives)
A test map is provided in the Attachments. Escort Characters All Escort characters will stop mo...
Applying Custom Instances
Note: Newer versions of Beardlib Editor includes dedicated custom instances, this workflow is la...
Cubemaps, Cubelights and Lighting your level
Cubemaps A cubemap is a six-sided texture used for reflective surfaces to reflect stuff. Here's...
Limitations and Issues with mapping in Diesel
Here is a list of potential issues you may have when working on custom maps. Out of Memory Crash...
Making and adding Environments
Environment is like a config which decides how light and shadows look in your level, this is what...
Navigation in diesel
Navigation links or navlinks for short are ElementSpecialObjectives that have "Is Navigation Li...
Optimisation: Occlusion and Portals
What is an Occluder? Occluders are simple planes that are used to hide props (specifically objec...