PAYDAY 2 Mod Creation
Category of PAYDAY 2 modding
Data Tables
Tables for bunch of stuff from TweakData to files inside the game.
Weapon Mods
This contains data for all the current weapon mods in the base game. There is a distinction betwe...
Texture Files
This is a mapping of the Payday 2 textures. Each section is collection of similar things. You ca...
This is a list of all weapons in PAYDAY 2 + the ingame ID, Factory ID and Unit-file path and DLC....
This contains data for all the current masks in the game. This list was automatically generated, ...
Mask Patterns
This contains data for all the current mask patterns in the game Patterns Game Base Patt...
Mask Materials
This contains data for all the current mask materials in the game Materials Game Base Ma...
Custom Attachments
ATTENTION: THIS PAGE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS If you are a weapon mod author and would like to have...
Planned Custom Weapons
This page is meant to serve as a point of reference for the modding community's claimed or WIP mo...
Custom Weapons
This is a list of custom weapons in PAYDAY 2 + the ingame ID, Factory ID, the category/type of th...
Diesel Engine
Category for Diesel Engine related docs
SystemFS is a class to read and write files and more. Currently, it works only in the Windows ve...
Bundle File
*Originally written by Simon W. Bundle Database (BLB) The Bundle Database file, also known as “...
Unit File
This is an explanation of how units work in Payday 2. This may not be 100% perfect, but it shoul...
Skin map textures (df_cc)
Skin map texture The _cc_df textures are used instead of diffuse on models when skin is applied a...
Animated Models
(WIP PAGE ON ANIMATED MODELS USED IN PAYDAY 2) Page Notes: Animations missing X Y or Z rotati...
Material Config XML
Example XML: <materials version="3"> <material name="mat_name" render_template="ge...
Object Xml
Example XML: <dynamic_object> <diesel materials="units/path/material_config" orientat...
Sequence Manager XML
Unit extension <extension name="damage" class="UnitDamage" /> Include in object file <sequence_m...
Tutorials for modding the game.
Extracting the Game's Files
If you just want to export a few items, use Diesel Bundle Viewer This guide will go over how to e...
Re-Extracting the Game's Files After an Update
As you might be aware, PAYDAY 2 tends to update frequently with new content. It won’t magically a...
WeaponLib Mod Preparation
You boot up Payday 2, intend to enjoy a few of new weapon mod that have appeared on the front pag...
Troubleshoot Custom Weapons/Attachments for Modders
You're working on a custom weapon/attachment and run into a specific issue you have no idea how t...
Voice Over Modding
Things you need: wwise_ima_adpcm (to encode/decode .stream files) Audio editor Extracted soundba...
Legendary Armor Skins/LAS/MOOG/Outfit Module Guide
This guide as also made by Columbus, if you'd like to contact me on Discord, please join the modw...
File Formats
Documentation regarding proprietary file formats for Payday 2 and other modern Diesel games.
BLT Modding
This guide will be a simple tutorial on how to make your first BLT mod with a suitable example to...
Beginner BLT modding
mod.txt Every mod needs this file. This file is responsible for loading your mod with BLT. Below ...
Decompiled game code Source code of the game Original BLT (outdated on some occasions) Docume...
Quick introduction to Hooks
This guide is intended for people new to PAYDAY 2 Lua modding and explains different methods of h...
Getting Started with PAYDAY 2 Modding (Legacy)
(I have marked this page as legacy; this will be split into different pages. -VxWolf) Alright, so...