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13 total results found

Creating Custom Contractors

Beardlib Editor Tutorials Custom Content

Creating Custom Contractors Introduction Hello! Ever wanted to make a custom contractor for your custom heist? Well, here's an easy-to-follow guide on how to make a (possibly good) custom contractor Disclaimers This is all mostly unavailable using the visu...

Cubemaps, Cubelights and Lighting your level

Beardlib Editor Tutorials (Old pages, still useful for reference)

Cubemaps A cubemap is a six-sided texture used for reflective surfaces to reflect stuff. Here's an example: This looks wrong! Why are there buildings in the reflection even though we are indoors? That's because diesel does not support realtime reflec...

Applying Custom Instances

Beardlib Editor Tutorials (Old pages, still useful for reference)

Note: Newer versions of Beardlib Editor includes dedicated custom instances, this workflow is largely unneccisary and outdated. Information on the page is still useful past the main.xml example. Instance Example (In the Main.xml) <instance id="level_id"> ...

Making and adding Environments

Beardlib Editor Tutorials (Old pages, still useful for reference)

Environment is like a config which decides how light and shadows look in your level, this is what makes the level a night map or a day one, you can also use environment areas to make rooms look better, here we will talk about making them generally. All of the...

Limitations and Issues with mapping in Diesel

Beardlib Editor Tutorials (Old pages, still useful for reference)

Here is a list of potential issues you may have when working on custom maps. Out of Memory Crash Application has crashed: C++ exception Could not load texture because IDirect3D9::CreateTexture call failed. Direct3D could not allocate sufficient memory to c...

Navigation in diesel

Beardlib Editor Tutorials (Old pages, still useful for reference)

Navigation links or navlinks for short are ElementSpecialObjectives that have "Is Navigation Link" set to true. They are used to allow enemies to get from one navigation part to another. When they are executed they can be used freely by enemies/ai teamma...

Custom Subtitled Dialogue and Sound

Beardlib Editor Tutorials Custom Content

If your heist or mod needs custom dialogue that includes subtitles follow the following steps. Add your Sounds, for this example I will add sounds to a level for a custom map. &lt;sounds directory="assets"&gt; &lt;sounds directory="sounds"&gt; ...

Ai Escorts (and Special Objectives)

Beardlib Editor Tutorials (Old pages, still useful for reference)

A test map is provided in the Attachments. Escort Characters All Escort characters will stop moving when enemies block their path, different radiuses apply for different hostages. Escort unit data typically contains the following (using Matt as an example, ...

Animated Models

PAYDAY 2 Mod Creation Diesel Engine

(WIP PAGE ON ANIMATED MODELS USED IN PAYDAY 2) Page Notes: Animations missing X Y or Z rotations dont seem to work properly. (tested on 32-Bit Floats with Discard) Animations missing X Y or Z loations work fine. Animations using scale likely dont work....

Material Config XML

PAYDAY 2 Mod Creation Diesel Engine

Example XML: &lt;materials version="3"&gt; &lt;material name="mat_name" render_template="generic:DIFFUSE_TEXTURE:NORMALMAP" version="2"&gt; &lt;diffuse_texture file="texture/file/path/my_texture_df"/&gt; &lt;bump_normal_texture file="t...

Object Xml

PAYDAY 2 Mod Creation Diesel Engine

Example XML: &lt;dynamic_object&gt; &lt;diesel materials="units/path/material_config" orientation_object="rp_rootpoint_object" /&gt; &lt;sequence_manager file="units/path/sequence_manager" /&gt; &lt;bodies&gt; &lt;body name="body_static" enabled="tru...

Optimisation: Occlusion and Portals

Beardlib Editor Tutorials (Old pages, still useful for reference)

What is an Occluder? Occluders are simple planes that are used to hide props (specifically objects of a unit). In the model itself oc_planes (the commonly name for them) are a one-sided plane pointing its occluding face in the Y-Positive direction. Occlud...

Sequence Manager XML

PAYDAY 2 Mod Creation Diesel Engine

Unit extension <extension name="damage" class="UnitDamage" /> Include in object file <sequence_manager file="path to your sequence manager" /> Example XML: <table> <unit> <sequence editable_state="true/false" name="''" triggable="true/false"> ...