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Spawn Enemy Group

Contains a collection of Spawn Enemy Dummy elements. Can be used to spawn multiple enemies conveniently and apply some broad changes to them. Can also be used to earmark locations for squads part of an assault to spawn.


Element behaviour on execution: Element executes on event:
Spawns an enemy definedat each Spawn Enemy Dummy listed in enemyManage elements list., Uses a random Orientation Element if defined, otherwise spawnsspawning at the location of thiseach element. The enemy will immediately play the animation defined in each Spawn Enemy Dummy's Spawn Action. Executed by another element (confirm?). Executes every element on list simultaneously.

Spawn Enemy Dummy

Field Type Values Usage
Manage Elements List(elements) List (Elements) Any Element Define locationsmultiple otherSpawn thanEnemy theDummy locationelements ofthat this element towill spawn enemies on execution. Ideally should be one or multiple elementMissionScript elements.
EnemySpawn Type String (units)Dropdown An enemy unitDropdown Selects what unit the spawned enemy should use. The unit defines the enemy's appearance, health, damage, and some behaviour. This is overridden by enemies spawned via an assault.WIP
ParticipateIgnore To Group AiDisabled Boolean true, false DefinesIf iffalse, the enemy should take part in the assault if the enemy was manually spawned by executing this element. If this is disabled, the enemyelement will not huntspawn forenemies theat playerany orSpawn flee.Enemy Dummy that is marked as disabled.
Spawn ActionAmount String (animations)Integer e_sp_*<0 The animation that this enemy will act out when spawned either manually or during an assault.
IntervalFloat<0Has the element wait this long (in seconds) before performing behaviours as a result of being executed.
Team WIPString (relationship teams) WIPDropdown WIPForcibly sets the enemy's team. The team defines who this enemy will shoot at, and be shot by.

Common Element components

Common: Main
Common: Transform