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Spawn Enemy Group

A location where an enemy can be spawned on demand. Can be used in combination with elementSpawnEnemyGroup to define the location of enemy spawn points during assaults.


Element behaviour on execution:Element executes on event:
Spawns an enemy defined in enemy. Uses a random Orientation Element if defined, otherwise spawns at the location of this element. The enemy will immediately play the animation defined in Spawn Action.Executed by another element (confirm?). Executes every element on list simultaneously.

Spawn Enemy Dummy

Manage Orientation Elements List(elements)List (Elements)Any ElementDefine locations other than the location of this element to spawn enemies on execution. Ideally should be one or multiple elementMissionScript elements.
EnemyString (units)An enemy unitSelects what unit the spawned enemy should use. The unit defines the enemy's appearance, health, damage, and some behaviour. This is overridden by enemies spawned via an assault.
Participate To Group AiBooleantrue, falseDefines if the enemy should take part in the assault if the enemy was manually spawned by executing this element. If this is disabled, the enemy will not hunt for the player or flee.
Spawn ActionString (animations)e_sp_*The animation that this enemy will act out when spawned either manually or during an assault.
IntervalFloat<0Has the element wait this long (in seconds) before performing behaviours as a result of being executed.

Common Element components

Common: Main
Common: Transform