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Beginner BLT modding

This guide will be a full tutorial on how to make your first BLT mod with a suitable example to follow along.

The example mod will hide all jobs from Crime.Net which are not stealthable.


Every mod needs this file. This file is responsible for loading your mod with BLT. Below you will find the mod.txt used for this exampleexample. whichCopy canthe servecontents asinside ayour templateown as well.mod.txt. Most of the fields should be self explanatory expect for the hooks.

	"name": "Hide loud jobs",
	"description": "Hides jobs from which are not stealthable",
	"author": "Your name",
	"version": "1.0",
	"blt_version": 2,
	"hooks": [
			"hook_id": "lib/managers/crimenetmanager",
			"script_path": "mod.lua"


If you followed the guide in the "Introduction" you should have the codebase available. There's no magic trick to finding the right function. It takes practice and understanding of the codebase. For this example I was specifically looking for crimenet which brought me directly to the CrimeNetManager. I knew that stealth is mostly referred to ghost so I quickly picked up on the idea of the ghost_icon which was used in the function _create_job_gui but that one is interal and gets called through the more accessible function add_server_job. Now I only had to go back to the ghost_icon to figure out how the game determined if it should display it or not.

Hooks in mod.txt

  • hook_id is the path to the file (from the original codebase) in which the function is defined which we want to manipulate.
  • script_path is the path to the file in your mods folder where your code is in.

Finding the code

There's no magic trick to finding the right place in the source code. It takes practice and understanding of the codebase. We will not be covering that here but you are more than welcome to ask the community for help in the #payday-help-channel of our Discord on this topic.

You can still follow along by opening the file pd2-lua/ lib/managers/crimenetmanager(this is also the hook_id) inside the source code you downloaded earlier. Find the function CrimeNetGui:add_server_job (Line:2848).

Editing the code

Copy the entire function in your mod.lua. Now we will add an if-statement around the code inside the function. This statement will check if it is indeed a stealthable mission. Only if that's the case will the game actually add it to the map. Luckily there is already such a function built into the game (as it's used to display the little ghost icon next to the job). You can find that part in the same file on line 3501. Let's have a look at it:

if data.job_id and managers.job:is_job_ghostable(data.job_id) then
	ghost_icon = icon_panel:bitmap({
		texture = "guis/textures/pd2/cn_minighost",
		name = "ghost_icon",
		blend_mode = "add",
		color = tweak_data.screen_colors.ghost_color
	next_icon_right = next_icon_right - 12

From simply reading the code: If the job_id exists and the job with the given job_id is stealthable, we create a new icon with the texture of the blue ghost and set its position. Now let's try to apply that to our code. Our function is also given the parameter data. This is in fact the same object for this case. Therefore we can safely wrap our code in the exact same ìf-statement like this:


function CrimeNetGui:add_server_job(data)
	if data.job_id and managers.job:is_job_ghostable(data.job_id) then
		local gui_data = self:_create_job_gui(data, "server")
		gui_data.server = true
		gui_data.host_name = data.host_name
		self._jobs[] = gui_data

That's it - Try it out!

► End of basic tutorial ◄

Continuation: Finding the code

I will explain to you my thought process of how I was able to find the correct function in case it may help you:

For this example I was specifically looking for crimenet which brought me directly to the CrimeNetManager. I knew that stealth is mostly referred to as ghost in the code - so I quickly picked up on the idea of the ghost_icon which was used in the function _create_job_gui but that one is difficult to grasp and gets called through the more accessible function add_server_job. Now I only had to go back to the ghost_icon to figure out how the game determined if it should be displayed or not.

Different methods:

Let's review some other methods we could have used to get this mod working.

[Hard Overwrite] (as shown above)

  • PRO: You are in full control by modifying the original source codecode.
  • CON: Only 1 mod installed can hard-overwrite the function.function (not necessarily yours). All other mods manipulating the same function will not work.
function CrimeNetGui:add_server_job(data)
	if data.job_id and managers.job:is_job_ghostable(data.job_id) then
		local gui_data = self:_create_job_gui(data, "server")
		gui_data.server = true
		gui_data.host_name = data.host_name
		self._jobs[] = gui_data

This method is the most straightforward: It is the exact copy from the source code justbut with theour if-statement wrapped around it. Only if the job is stealthable we actually want to add it to the browser.adjustments.

[Soft Overwrite]

Not recommended.
  • PRO: bettergood compabilityfor thanfunctions thewhich previousreturn methodvalues.
  • CON: FunctionsStill issues which compatibility as functions are chained/nested inside each other and possiblydepending badon performance.loading order other mods could alter that behavior.
local old_add_server_job = CrimeNetGui.add_server_job

function CrimeNetGui:add_server_job(data)
	if data.job_id and managers.job:is_job_ghostable(data.job_id) then
		old_add_server_job(self, data)

This method works by keeping a copy to the original function. This function is then overwritten with our implementation where we call the reference to the original function.


  • PRO: The original function stays completely untouched.
  • CON: Does not work for functions which return values. We will cover techniques to circumvent these issues in the "Advanced BLT modding".
Hooks:PostHook(CrimeNetGui, 'add_server_job', 'hideloudjobs_crimenetgui',
function(self, data)
	if data.job_id and not managers.job:is_job_ghostable(data.job_id) then
		self:remove_job(, true)

Hooks don't touch the original function. They get executed just before (Pre) or after (Post) the function.

So which one should you use?

Generally speaking: Hooks > Soft Overwrite > Hard Overwrite

Use Hooks wherever you can. Use Soft Overwrites when dealing with function where you need to change the returning value and only use the Hard Overwrite method if you really have to.