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Tuning Level Settings

Level files are what loads the map and difficulty settings, They can be found in data\levels.

Level Files

Here is an example: Luxor Amun Rising's 1-1.

mapFile = "DIE KHUFU DIE"

// Ball Colors
spawnColor_1 = true
spawnColor_2 = true
spawnColor_3 = true
spawnColor_4 = true
spawnColor_5 = false
spawnColor_6 = false
spawnColor_7 = false
spawnStreak = 225

// Powerups
powerup_reverse   = true
powerup_slow      = true
powerup_stop      = true
powerup_shotspeed = true
powerup_lightning = true
powerup_bomb      = true
powerup_colorbomb = true
powerup_wild      = true
powerup_scorpion  = true

// Rewards
reward_gem_1      = true
reward_gem_2      = true
reward_gem_3      = true
reward_gem_4      = false
reward_gem_5      = false
reward_gem_6      = false
reward_gem_7      = false
reward_gem_8      = false
reward_gem_9      = false
reward_gem_10     = false
reward_gem_11     = false
reward_gem_12     = false
reward_gem_13     = false
reward_gem_14     = false
reward_gem_15     = false

// Win Condition (collapses and board clear)
winCondition = 100

// Vise Groups
viseGroupCount = 30

// Vise Speed
viseMaxSpeed = 800.0
viseMidMaxSpeed = 100.0
viseMidMinSpeed = 100.0
viseMinSpeed = 5.0
viseSpeedMaxBzLerp = 0.9 0.9
viseSpeedMidBzLerp = 0.25 0.75
viseSpeedMinBzLerp = 0.25 0.75

// Path Distances
viseSpawnDistance_1 = 0.6
midStartDistance_1 = 0.2
midEndDistance_1 = 0.6


  • mapFile - the folder name of your map with spaces and all in capital letters
  • spawnColor_n - which sphere colors are activated. 1 is blue, 2 is yellow, 3 is red, 4 is green, 5 is purple, 6 is white and 7 is black.
  • powerup_x - Which powerups spawn. If you want to change a chance of a powerup spawning, edit powerups.txt.
  • reward_gem_x - Which gems to spawn if a pusher train has been destroyed (not merged). For a reference of which gem gives a specific amount of points, refer to powerups.txt.
  • winCondition - The amount of spheres destroyed to fill up the progress bar.
  • viseMaxSpeed - the maximum speed of the spheres
  • viseMidMaxSpeed - the middle-maximum speed of the spheres
  • viseMidMinSpeed - the middle-minimum speed of the spheres
  • viseMinSpeed - the minimum speed of the spheres, which is triggered on danger zone.
  • viseSpeed(Max/Mid/Min)BzLerp - transitions(?)
  • viseSpawnDistance_n - from 0 (0%) to 1 (100%), if there are no spheres in this area, spawn a new pusher train
  • midStartDistance_n - from 0 (0%) to 1 (100%), spawn a new train here
  • midEndDistance_n - from 0 (0%) to 1 (100%), try to fit all of the newly spawned train here(?)

For each path (up to 2), you must have a viseSpawnDistance, midStartDistance and midEndDistance. If there are no values for those, default values will be applied (unknown).

A better visual explanation: Luxor-lvl-demo.png


This txt file handles global powerup spawn chances and gem scoring. Everything here is self-explanatory.

// Powerups File
// Defines global powerup spawning chances and scoring

// Powerup Spawning
spawn_reverse      = 1000
spawn_slow         = 1000
spawn_stop         = 1000
spawn_speed_shot   = 1000
spawn_lightning    = 500
spawn_bomb         = 500
spawn_color_bomb   = 500
spawn_wild         = 1000
spawn_scorpion     = 500

// Powerup Scoring
scoring_coin       = 250
scoring_gem_1      = 1000
scoring_gem_2      = 2000
scoring_gem_3      = 3000
scoring_gem_4      = 4000
scoring_gem_5      = 5000
scoring_gem_6      = 6000
scoring_gem_7      = 7000
scoring_gem_8      = 8000
scoring_gem_9      = 9000
scoring_gem_10     = 10000
scoring_gem_11     = 11000
scoring_gem_12     = 12000
scoring_gem_13     = 13000
scoring_gem_14     = 14000
scoring_gem_15     = 15000